Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~Soaring Just Above Water ~

I cannot believe I met Lauren Kate, got her to sign my book and gave her my only sketch of one of her characters, Daniel Grigori, just the other day. I'm still stunned. Just a few pages into her book, Fallen and I was an instant fan like WOAH! Page after page after page of pure brilliance and  beautifully written words, scenes and characters! And after I read Torment, good god, I was beyond just pulled in! I was frikking trapped in the book and all it's wonders! Angels and Demons and a divine war between Heaven and Hell!  O.O

I think I might just pass out because the awesomeness of it just hit me clean across my pretty face.

Ever since I can remember I have been obsessed with the divine, Angels and the foreverness of the heavens above. Even one of my very first original stories was about Angels. Whether it be clear blue with clouds or dark, star sprinkled skies, or a sunrise or sunset just over the wide, never ending  horizon, I cannot pull my gaze from it. I can look on at the sky forever. I don't exactly know why I do it. Because I don't have just one answer as to why...

I do it because it makes me feel that there is something more out there. Much more to what I'm seeing-to what we're all seeing. The feeling is big. And when it hits me, I don't just stumble, I fly on impact.

I look up because I do admit that I am always half expecting to see just maybe a glimpse of something...Otherworldly. (and, no, i do not mean aliens. LOL. though i do believe in their existence strongly.) Something that'll make me gasp and make my eyes go wide and make me smile! Like when you see a falling star. Sometimes I even like to think that those falling stars are the Angels themselves. Flying across the night sky in lightning speed. Leaving us humans Awed, speechless, entranced and questioning at their wake. And soon we would not be able to tell them apart from any other star in the sky. (Fallen readers know that line well i hope haha!)  ;>

This book, the story, each character and how it's written is amazing. It's given me back a feeling I thought was going away. And with that feeling, I think a new is one rising along with it. The book reached into me and touched my heart, my mind and my spirit in many ways and for that I am forever grateful  :)

Much love, Ms.Kate! (i'll be posting a picture with this as soon as i know how!) :)))

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Picture My Words.

Why do I read books?

I read because everything around me just seems too...ordinary? Usual? Gray maybe? Well, I haven't quite found the words yet. Hopefully by the end of all this I will.

My quiet place is a bookstore. Everywhere else I feel rushed and forgotten. Not knowing where to go or what to do. The bookstore is my safe haven. When I feel that I really can't take it anymore, that I can't face anything anymore, I go there and I am welcomed with open arms. There are no sides to take. No problems to solve. No pressure to answer something or someone. No talking. That's the best part for me. I can just go on inside, smile at any passing face, sit in that one corner I always sit in, take out my red mechanical pencil and my green notebook, take out the latest book I'm reading and that's that. I'm all set. I'm severely happy. Content even. Surrounded by all those books. A wall of books shielding me from every or any kind of danger. Human or none human. When I'm sitting there, I don't disappear. But instead, I blend, And my world disappears around me. There is no more "outside". It's just me in the empty space and the millions of different worlds around me. And the very thought of that soothes me down to the bone. My mind clears of all darkness and troubles. Of all pain and sorrow. I'm not in my world anymore. I'm not even me anymore. I'm something else. Something new. I've started over completely. I'm in the book I'm reading. And then I realize, I was never really from Earth to begin with.

And then I feel what the characters feel. I see what they see. I taste what they taste.

I fell in love with the impossible.

I kept deep, dark and angry secrets.

I kicked ass and frikking cried more than I should have.

I survived against the odds.

And I got a taste of heaven on earth.

All because of books. I know a lot of people will think that it's nothing. They're just books after all. That I'm so stupid for feeling all that because it's not real and It didn't happen and never will. Okay, sure.

I'm not saying those people are right. And I'm not saying I even have to listen to them. Different things make different people happy. Leaving my world for a while makes me happy. And as long as I'm happy, I don't care. Besides, I know when I need to come back.

So there you have it. Why do I read books? I read because it makes me happy. I read for sanctuary. But mostly...
I read to escape.

So go ahead. Call me loser or weird or argue with me if it makes you happy. Why should I care?

I'm not from Earth remember? 8)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just a tad of Me

A lot of people, even the ones closest to me, don't know too much about me.

Like how I'd rather read a book then watch TV.

Or that I'd wanna see a gory movie more than that cute new chick flick.

Or how I hate it when I have to repeat myself to someone cuz they were not paying attention.

Or how I fall asleep to the sound of pencil against paper and origami.

Or that the only desert I can eat without feeling dizzy or passing out is yogurt.

Or how I do not like stepping on top of manholes, canals, or anything that I might possibly fall through.

Or that I hate-with a passion-Barney the purple dinosaur. He should've died along with his other cousins.

Or that most of the time I am severely paranoid about everything.

Or how sometimes I go completely deaf in my right ear.

Or that I hate make up.

Or that I am probably the most jealous person I know.

Or that I LOVED the Telatubbies. (not sure if that's how it's spelled)

Or that when I'm alone for too long in one place I fidget and I start to contemplate my future and my death.

Or that I don't consider fried chicken "food" because it does not fill me. At all. It sucks.

Or how I don't eat crab, lobster, or lamb because it is absolutely barbaric. 

Or that I hate bear stuffed toys.

Or that I LOVE bubbles. (yes, the ones you blow. that's what she said.)

Or that I talk to myself when I'm alone because I enjoy my own company.

Or that the one thing I really want is a pet skunk who I will proudly name Lulu Le Pue

Or that card tricks, though fun to watch, don't impress me in any way.

Or how I thought that God was in my dog for a while.

Or that my favorite time of the day is sunrise.

Or that the people I hate most think I like them.

Or that I'm scared if I laugh too hard I'm gonna die.

Or that I do not have the patience for shopping.

Or how I don't like wearing pink.

Or that I don't like mayo.

Or that I prefer to swing side to side on a swing instead of forward and back.

Or that I brush my hair 100 times before I take a shower.

Or that the BIGGEST insult is to call me thin. Seriously. Fuck. I get it, Okay?

Or that I have a VERY short temper.

Or that my least favorite country is France.

Or how I dust my bed of particles before I sleep. If I don't, I can't sleep.

Or that I am actually the biggest bitch I know. A lot of my friends just don't know it.

Or that I am a very proud person.

Or that every sketch I've made has had a song that's inspired it.

Or that I would rather stay quiet then talk.

Or that I can't make sudden turns when I'm walking.

Or that I have short term memory loss.

Or that I have Dyslexia and Discalculia (that means i suck at spelling and math)

Or that I know how to swear in Russian.

Or that I can't stand the new Nickelodeon sitcoms.

Or that I LOVE first person shooter games.

Or...well, you get it :))

*Sad Face*

Okay so, here's the thing, turns out I can't post my art work up on my blog cuz some ass bag might like it, take it, and totally make some big bucks off it. So I (FINALLY) made a Deviantart cuz my sister says Deviantart copyrights your work BUT I still can't help it if someone gets it and makes it their profile pic or uses it for whatever *rolls eyes* So I decided, Okay, fine, fuck it, whatever! I just really want to get my sketches out in the open and I want people to see what I really LOVE doing! Which is drawing! I mean, how else am I gonna get my carrier started? :(

Anyway, yeah, so the art I'll be posting up here will not be any of my original characters. It will be fan art of other books, comic books, TV and movies. For now at least. Until I can get proper ownership of my stuff ;)


Monday, November 8, 2010


Okay so we're going to Cebu again this year for Christmas and New Years and god knows i love it to bits there. The food, the beach, the beach house, the music and the company of family. Not to mention the number of sunrises and sunsets I'll be able to gaze at during my time there! It's gonna make for some majorly awesome pictures and ideas!! ;D Plus, my Grandmother and step-Grandfather will be coming home again from America sometime this November! (before my birthday! yay!) Anyway, it's like an annual gathering on my mom's side and it's always so much fun!

However, there is a down side to this. And it's not Cebu. God no.

It's the PACKING for Cebu. *shudders* Yes. I have a great fear of packing. I hate packing. Down to my inner human core. I can barley keep it together to pack for a night over at my best friend's house for fear of forgetting something! And that's ONE night only, mind you. This Cebu trip...is for two weeks. TWO. 2. Dos. Dalawa. God help me. It's nothing new, of course. We've stayed there for two weeks before. It's just the packing never fails to scare the living shit out of me. My hands are getting all clammy just typing this. I should calm down.

The beach. Just think of the beach.

And maybe cream puffs.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ready to jump in

Hey guys! dskjhklhffdfjft!! *jumps up and down* oh god i'm so excited! I'm finally doing it! :D I really hope you enjoy listening to what i have to say. I have a lot to say about a lot of things. ohh yeah :> This blog is actually here so people can see the world the way i see it. I believe that every. Little. Thing around us has a story! A simple revelation if i must say :) I know I'm not that smart in a number of subjects and my spelling is off due to a "special power" i aquire-*wink*- but these are MY opinions and i'm stikkin' with'em! If it offends you then that's your sour pickle but if you like and find it somewhat entertaining in a certain degree of wonderfullness then, by golly, keep reading! ;)) i'll be posting all sorts of fantastical stuff! From beautifully ordinary and extraordinary pictures of everyday magic to updates about the books i'm writing, the books i've read, occasional rants,  my artwork, how i felt about them and what inspired me. Now, this will be the very first time EVER that i will be posting up my ideas and my precious artwork for everyone to see so technically  i'm freakin' out. But in a good way. kind of. yeah :p Weeeeee!!!!! *takes a breath* O.o  shit.Okay. i'm good. i'm fine :) Anyway, i hope you all enjoy! i'm jumping in now, in 3..2..1...